Come up fast and smoke the Reefer
with us on the
back of the motorcycle
or at the foot of a great statue
whose spiraling, vibing, energetic
reaches way into the bright blue sky
and in flames in which smoldering
burnt A sunder
upon which placed
delicately spirit gum,
increasing, growing in weirdness
w/ dripping
touching drool
left to bare sensitive
bohemian lefty emotions
an attempt at which
is able to resuscitate
briefly that
fantasy corpse
of the monument
dancing naked in the meadow
and drooling in the bong water
C*o*r*v*e*t*t*e DRIVER 1968(()))*^"__gw***^^^^^^**mu___"^m,_"*s_ 9w_"*_ "u_"u_"q_
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  AmokinShwagN'   trippinBalls      m       \" d _@ jF 0 jF     0 jF 0 jF 0 j
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    A_ 9g 9L "*_"*s_"9w_"9m__""**ug__________aw*^""i remember the summer of '68